『English in Action Textbook @ 公立小学校用改訂版』の内容
L. 1 新しいクラス
I am Miss Maki. I am Ken Sato. How do you do?
L. 2 おともだちになろう
How are you? Fine, thank you.
I am hungry. I have a hamburger.
L. 3 おともだちを増やそう
This is our new friend Joe.
I live in Kawada-cho.
L. 4 写真持ってきたよ
What do you have? I have two pictures.
This is my family. My brother is 15. My sister is 8.
L. 5 曜日と科目
We have 5 lessons on Monday.
We study math on Monday.
L. 6 お天気の言い方と四季
Is it raining now? No, it isn't raining. It's fine.
We can play outside.
L. 7 わたしの誕生日
Happy birthday, Tomo. How old are you now?
I was born in October. I was born in Nagasaki.
L. 8 ぼくのペットは短足・動物の自己紹介
He is my pet. His legs are short.
I have big ears. I have small eyes. I have a long trunk.
L. 9 写真を撮ろう・サラダを作ろう
Let's take a picture. Please stan up, Kimi.
Wash the vegetables. Boil the eggs.
L.10 ぼくはサッカーが好き・記憶力ゲーム
I like soccer. I like soccer, too. Let's play together.
She likes tulips. You like baseball. I like dogs.
表3 自己紹介をしてみましょう。
I am (名前).
I am (年齢).
I live in (町名). | I go to (学校名).
I have (兄弟、ペット、その他).
I can (何でもよい). |