












ティーチャートークの練習用CD 「ポスターCD」もご活用ください。

Word Book と併用できます。





質問例  Can you see ?  Where is/are  ?

What color is/are the ? 

What is the name of the ? 

Can you read ?

How many s can you see?


S: Supermarket.  

T: A supermarket.   クラスに向かってCan you see a supermarket?

What color is the building?  What is the name of the supermarket? (近くの子に

読んでもらう)  絵を指して、This is the ABC Market. 


S: デパート.

T: A department store. What color is the department store?

文字を指して、Can you readバーゲン?   Can you read this kanji?(春)

It's spring. Can see cherry trees? 


Aこの絵を探せるかな? (前方に集まってもらって行う活動)


Can you see a red mailbox? It's in front of the post office.
Can you see a fire station? Yes? We can see two red fire engines there.
Can you see an ambulance?  It say,

So, the white building is a hospital. Can you see a nurse and a patient? 
Can you see a bakery? It has a shape of bread.
Can you see police cars?  How many police cars can you see?
 So, the blue building is a police station.
Can you see Godzilla? So the pink building is a movie theater.
Can you see some flowers in a shop? It's a florist. It
s a flower shop.



If you are hungry and you have \500, where will you go?

Supermarket,  Department Store(デパ地下), Bakery, 


Bank and restaurant (銀行でお金を下ろしてレストランで食べる)

・友だちとの待ち合わせまでにまだ1時間あります。Where will you go?







Look at the book store.  What is the name of the book store?  Its Ota Shoten.

学校の近くには、Do we have any book stores?

What is the biggest book store in (町の名前)?


Look at the department store.   What is the name of the department store? 

Yes, its Hokubu Department Store.

デパートに行ったことある? Which department store did you go?

S: 西武.  T: Seibu Department Store.

S: 東武.   T: Tobu Department Store.

S:  Hankyu Department Store.  T: Good.


When you buy some お菓子, where do you usually go?

S: マックス!   T: So who buys お菓子 at Max Value Supermarket? 

S: 川口屋!     T: Who buys お菓子 at Kawaguchi-Ya?

S: ダイソー!   T: Who buys お菓子 at Daiso?


When you are sick(ジェスチャー), which hospital or clinic do you go?

S: 林病院!     T: Who goes to Hayashi Hospital?

S: 森田医院!   T: Who goes to Morita Clinic?

When you have a toothache(ジェスチャー), which dental clinic do you go?

S: 力丸歯科!   T: Who goes to Rikimaru Dental Clinic?

S: 山田歯科!   T: Who goes to Yamada Dental Clinic?


Do you have any restaurants in this area?
    No?  How about ramen restaurants? What are they

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動 物 園
Word Book と併用できます



T: What animals can you see in the picture?  S:  Panda.

T:  クラスに向かって、Where is the panda?  Can you see it?  Here it is.
   ※It has a black and white body.  The panda is from China. などの説明も、



子どもたちが発表してくれなかったものは、先生がCan you see? で話題にします。

T: Can you see a big yellow bird? It's near the gate.
     Now can you see it? It's a parrot.  It can copy our speech.


Aこの絵を探せるかな? (前方に集まってもらって行う活動)

Can you see benches? How many benches can you see? 

What color are they?

Can you see two girls eating ice cream? 

Can you see yellow flowers?  How many yellow flowers are there?



It has 4 legs.  It has a tail.  It has a black and white body. 
It has 4 long legs.  It has a small head.  It is very tall.  It has a long neck.

It has 4 short legs.  It has a big mouth. It has a strong tail. Its green.

It has 4 short legs.  It has a big mouth. It has a short tail. Its brown.

It has 2 long legs. It has a long neck. It has a pink body.
It has a brown body.  It has 4 short legs. It has a very big mouth.



Who is from China?  (panda)
Who is from Australia?  (kangaroo, koala)
Who is from Hokkaido?  (bear)
Who is from India?  (tiger)  ※この動物園の象は耳が大きいのでアフリカ象です。



Which can run faster, the ostrich or the lion?  (The ostrich can.)

The ostrich can run 70 kilometers per hour.

The lion can run 58 kilometers per hour.  

参考:  チータ 110m/hr   カンガルー 60km/hr   ゼブラ 60km/hr   

ライオン 58km/hr   キリン 50km/hr      カバ 30km/hr 

アフリカ象40km/hr  野うさぎ 7080km/hr   オオカミ 70km/hr

ダチョウ 70km/hr   らくだ 30km/hr

   ※データ:「動物の速度ランキング-NEVERまとめ」2014.12.29. より

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Word Book と併用できます。



Can you see an escalator?  Is it going up or down?
How many people are there in the picture?  Don't miss a head or a leg.
The girl wants the bananas. 買ってもらえるかな? 

Yes. Her mother is taking out some money.

Who is on the 1000 yen note, 福沢諭吉 or 野口英世?

Can you see tomatoes?  How many tomatoes are there?
Can you see onions?  How many onions are there?
Can you see a green pepper?  Green pepper is ‘ピーマン’ in Japanese.



It's yellow.  It's juicy.  It's very sour. (ジェスチャー)   Do you like lemons?
It's brown.  It's very sweet.  Is there anyone who doesnt like chocolate?(×印)
It's red.  It's small and round.  It has a stone inside.  ※Do you like cherries?

Its white.  We drink it at school.  Do you like milk?



We had some carrot for lunch.   他には? What did we have for lunch today?

子どもの発言を拾い、Yes, we had some --. と絵を指しながら確認していく。


B昨日の夜に食べたもの(Sit Down Game

昨日の夕飯に食べたものを覚えてる? Everybody, stand up, please.

パターン@:食材で出題  ※「食材」で出題すれば、ご馳走でなかった子も平気です。

If you had some tomato, sit down.  

If you had some cabbage, sit down.

If you had some わかめ, sit down.  ※ポスターにはない食材も話題にする。



If you had something black like nori, hijiki, shiitake mushroom, raise your hand. 

  What did you have?  S: Shiitake.Sit down.


If you had something pink, raise your hand.  What did you have?  Sit down.

C好きなものを当てられるかな? (Do you like 〜? ゲーム)


Do you like milk?  Yes?  Sit down.   Do you like bananas?  Yes?  Sit down.の要領


 you like? と先生が聞いて当てていきます。(当ててもらったら座れる。) 

繰り返しDo you like ? の文例を聞かせることになりますので、十分に聞かせた頃に、




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公 園





Who is this? の活動を楽しみます。



Mary Poppins, Peter Pan & Windy, Alice, Snow White等、物語の登場人物を指して、Who

is this? 子どもの答えは‘白雪姫’と日本語でもOKYes, she is Snow White. と英語で返して

あげます。Who?と尋ねるまでもなく、みんながよく知っているキャラクターならば、Can you

see Kintaro?  Can you see Pinocchio?  の要領で探させます。

  ※その他のキャラクター:Cinderella,  Pied Piper, Captain Hook、猿かに合戦, ウサギとカメ



Mary Poppins can fly with her black umbrella.

Which is stronger, Kintaro or the bear?

Who wins the race, the rabbit (hare) or the tortoise?  などを話して聞かせる。



Who is jumping?  (Ss: Kangaroo!)  Yes, the kangaroo is jumping. の要領で、


Who is flying? (Mary Poppins is flying.  Peter Pan is flying.  Wendy is flying.)
Who is running? (The rabbit is running.  The tortoise is running.)

Is the pink cat running?  walking?  dancing?

Who is singing? (The flowers are singing.)

Who is fighting? (The bear and Kintaro are fighting.  Captain Hook is fighting.)

What is Alice in Wonderland doing?  (She is reading a book.)

What is the monkey doing?  (It is throwing a persimmon at the crab.)

What is the crane doing?  (It is walking on the balance beam.) (ジェスチャー)

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Can you see a cat? What color is it?  Its brown.  It's a fat cat.

Two boys are fishing.  みんなは Do you like fishing? (ジェスチャー)

Do you like eating fish? (ジェスチャー)
Can you find three Pinocchios?

One is floating in the swimming pool like this (ジェスチャー).

One is ready to go to school. He has a ランドセル on his back.

One is reading a book.  Do you know what he is reading? (近くの子に見てもらう。)

Can you see a tent?

Can you see three fish?  They are broiling three fish. ・・3人分?もう一人は誰?

Can you see curry stew?  Do you like curry and rice?  



自分のbirthday monthのところで、please raise your hand. 

・先生は、ポスターの各月の絵を触りながら、JanuaryからDecember までゆっくり丁寧に聞かせます。



Who was born in (この授業の月)? 

When is your birthday?  子どもの英語は不完全で構いません。例) 5/  と板書して

答えを引き出し、例) 5/15  May the 15th is your birthday. みんなで、♪Happy Birthday を歌う。


Bどの月かな? 言えるかな?


T:  Fly a kite.                   Ss:  January.
T:  Start studying.           Ss:  April.

T:  Read books.               Ss:   November.

T:  Go fishing.                  Ss:   June.

T:  Climb mountains.        Ss:   July.




In what month do we have 建国記念日?   We have 建国記念日 in February.

2/11と板書しながら、建国記念日 is February the 11th.
When do we have 子どもの日?  In May.  Its May the 5th.

When do we have 勤労感謝の日? In November.  Its November the 23rd.
When do we have 昭和の日? In April.  Its April the 29th.

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職 業
Word Book と併用できます。





T: Can you see a bat?    Ss: Yes.  T: The baseball player has the bat.

T: Can you see a camera? Ss: Yes.  T: The photographer is taking a picture.

T: Can you see a fish?    Ss: Yes.  T: The fisherman is fishing.


 ・T: Can you see a black belt?  Ss: Yes.
  T: Who has a black belt?    Ss: おすもうさん!
  T:   The judo wrestler has a black belt.  And?    Ss: Policeman!
  T: Good! The police officer has a black belt, too.
    ※みんなは? Do you have any black belts?


T: Can you see a hosehouz?(ジェスチャー)  Ss: Yes.
  T: Who has a hose?    Ss: Fire fighter
  T:   Good! The fire fighter has a hose.

      Who wants to be a fire fighter?  なりたい人?



T: He is wearing white shoes. He is wearing an apron. 
      He is wearing glasses. Who is he?
  Ss: 店番のおじさん! 
  T:   Good.  He is a shopkeeper.

 ・T: She has long hair. She is wearing a long pink dress. Who is she?
  Ss:  Singer! 
  T:  Yes. She is a singer.  Who wants to be a singer?






T:  Lets play ‘つられちゃダメよ Game.  Repeat after me. 

She is a designer. She has a pencil.

Ss:  She is a designer. She has a pencil.

T:  He is a waiter. He has two glasses.

Ss:  He is a waiter. He has two glasses.

T:  He is a mail carrier. He has a small bag.

Ss:  He is a mail carrier. He has a small bag.

T:  Be careful.  This is  ‘つられちゃダメよ Game.

 T:  He is a mail carrier. He has a small bag.

Ss:   He is a mail carrier. He has a BIG bag.

 T:    Very Good!

 T:  He is a cook. He has a knife

Ss:  He is a cook. He has a frying pan.


Cビンゴゲーム (準備:各々の職業のヒントを書いたカード)






ヒント例: ※子どもたちは、一語一句を全部分かる必要はありません。

Announcer:          He is wearing glasses. He has a sheet of paper.

He is sitting in front of a microphone.

Photographer:      He is wearing green pants. He has a camera.

Designer:             She is drawing pictures.  She has a pencil

Painter:               He is wearing glasses and a beretberei. 

He has a brush. He is painting flowers.

Waitress:             She has two glasses on the tray.  She is wearing an apron.

Waiter:                 He has two glasses.  He is wearing black pants.

Cook:                   He is wearing a white cap.  He has a frying pan.

Shopkeeper:         He is wearing glasses.  He is wearing an apron.

Dentist:                He is wearing a white uniform.  We see him when we have

                                a toothache. (ジェスチャー)

Doctor:                 He is wearing a white uniform.  We see him when we are sick. (ジェスチャー)

Nurse:                  She is smiling.  She is wearing a white uniform.

                           She works in a hospital.  She has a bottle of medicine.

Office worker:       He is busy.  The telephone is ringing in front of him.

Baseball player:   He is wearing a white uniform. He has a white cap.  He has a bat.
Judo wrestler:      He is strong.  He is wearing a white uniform. 

He is wearing a black belt.

Sumo wrestler:    He is strong.  He is big and fat. (ジェスチャー)

Dancer:                She is wearing pink shoes.  She has a yellow belt.


Carpenter:           He is wearing hachimaki.    He has nails and a plane. (ジェスチャー)

Astronaut:            He is wearing a helmet.  He works in a space.

Flight attendant    She has a white bag.  She works on an airplane.

Pilot:                    He has a black bag.  He controls an airplane.

Baker:                  He is wearing a white uniform.  He has a white cap and a white apron.

 He bakes bread and cake.

Clown:                  He is wearing a green and yellow costume.  He has a red nose.

 He works for a circus

Conductor:           He loves music.  He has a baton.  He is wearing a black jacket.
Singer:                 She loves music.  She is wearing a long pink dress.

Fire fighter:          He is wearing a helmet.  H has a hosehouz.(ジェスチャー)

Police officer:       He is wearing a blue cap.  He is wearing a thick black belt.

Detective:            He is wearing a brown cap.  He has a magnifying glass.(ジェスチャー)

Guitarist:              He loves music.  He is sitting on a stool.  He has a guitar.

Bus driver:            He is wearing a blue uniform.  He can drive a bus.

Mail carrier:          He is happy.  He is wearing a blue uniform.  He has a big bag.

Farmar:                He is hot.  He is wearing a straw hat and a white towel.

Fisherman:           He is wearing a white shirt and hachimaki.  He is on a boat.

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Can you see a watermelon?   探す時間を与えた後に、絵を指して、Here.

Can you see a flower?   Here.

Can you see a letter A? What color is it?  Here.

Can you see a fish?  No?    ※見えない子がいたら前の方に移動してもらいます。








上記@の活動の後にAの記憶力ゲームを行う場合は、@の活動でHere. と絵を指す時に、



Now, lets play ‘記憶力 Game.

What is under the green magnet?  (Ss: A.)   What color is the letter A?

What is under the blue magnet?  (Ss: Frog.)   What color is his jacket?



Who has a black and white body? / Who has a brown body?

Who has a long body?  

Who has four legs? / Who has no legs? / Who has only one leg?  (scarecrow)

Who has a tail?

Who can fly?   

Who can climb a tree?






Can you find a crying pig? Why is he crying? 

The alligators are angry at him. Why are they angry?  Look at the green bag.



  Can you see a boy holding some balloons?  He is crying.

    Is he scared by the alligators?  No.  Look, one of his balloons has burst.

    Can you see a lady wearing a yellow shirt and purple pants?  She shot the arrow.



    Can you see an old lady sitting in a rocking chair?  She is spinning wool directly

from the sheep.



先生は、AZ をリズムにのって言いながら、間に合うように探させます。(なかなか探せ


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What animals are there in the picture?



S:  アイス!
T:  The king is holding the ice cream, and the horse is eating it.

      What color is the ice cream?  Is it strawberry ice cream?  Is it peach ice cream?

  みんなは Do you like ice cream? What flavor do you like?
   Who likes strawberry ice cream? Who likes chocolate ice cream?

S:  Grape
T:  Yes, grapes.

The girl with an orange ribbon has some grapes.

Do you like grapes?   Do you like grape juice?



Who is playing the violin?  (Ss: Panda.)  Yes, the panda is playing the violin.

Can you play the violin?  Can you play the guitar?
Who is on the bed?  (Ss: Cat.) Yes, the cat is on the bed.  She is sleepy.

Who is under the bed?  (Ss.: Dog.)  Yes, the dog is under the bed.  He is eating some

jam.  He is eating strawberry jam.

Do you like strawberry jam?  Do you like apple jam?  Do you like peanut butter?

Who is playing the xylophone(ジェスチャー)?  Yes, the queen is playing the xylophone.

Who is playing with eggs?  (Ss.: Lion.)  Yes, the lion is playing with eggs.

  He is juggling (ジェスチャー) two eggs.    

Who is holding an umbrella?  (Ss.: ふくろう.)  Yes, the owl is holding the umbrella.



What color is the letter B? (green)  J? (blue)
Tell me all the red letters. (A, I, L, N, R and O!)




A is for the apron. B is for the bed. C is for the cat. 
D is for the
・・・? dog.  Good. E is for the egg. F is for ・・・? の要領で子どもたちに

A, Apron. B, Bed. C, Cat. D Dog. の進め方でも構いません。



ジグソーパズルの作り方: 枠の部分は、ピースの線上に伸ばして切ってしまいます。
厚目の紙に貼り付けて、裏にマグネットをつければ 特大のジグソーパズルの完成。





Who is playing the violin?




What animal is this?       

What letter is this?







  a) Who has the head of the panda?   Who has the tail of the panda?

  b) Who has this part of B?



  ※上記a), b)のように、身体や部位や文字で尋ねることができない場合は、次に貼り

   たい部分を指して、Who has this piece? と尋ねます。



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@ABC Song :指定した色の文字は歌わない


1Don't sing any red letters.  例2) Dont sing any blue and yellow letters.



A♪ABC Song :他の歌のメロディーで歌ってみよう

Let's sing it in the tune of Seven Steps.





What color is the letter 'd'? (green)   'm'? (red)  
Tell me all the yellow letters. (c, j, o, s, v)



45年生になると、/b/, /d/, /f/, /k/, /m/ などの文字と音の関係が、自ずと分かるようになります。


Can you find any words that start with /b/?  (bicycle, bat, bus)
Can you find any words that end with /t/?  (bat, mitt, yacht, 他にも沢山ありますね。)




Can you find a carrot?  It's a snowman's nose.
Can you find a panda?  It's in the newspaper.

Look at the taxi.  What is the name of the taxi?
Look at the octopus. How many legs does it have? Let's count them. 




Pinocchio He is riding a unicycle. Can you ride a unicycle?
guitar:    Can you play the guitar?  the piano? the harmonica?
doughnut: Do you like doughnuts? Do you like chocolate-covered doughnuts?
bat:    Do you have a bat at home?  Do you have a glove, too?

yo-yo:        Can you play yo-yo?

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Word Book と併用できます
但し、Word Book には国旗がついていません。







The tiger is from India. というような活動の時にIndiaの場所をみんなで確認。




・色なしの日の丸を描いて、What's this? Is this the national flag of Japan?
 丸の部分を指して、What color is this part? Yes, it's red. (色を塗る)
 外側を指して、What color is it? No, it's not white. It's green.(色を塗る)
 So, this is not Hinomaru.  This is the flag of Bangladesh. Where is Bangladesh?


・色なしのフランス国旗を描き、This is the flag of France.
 What color is this part? と尋ねながら色を塗っていき、最後にポスターで確認する。
 ※If this part is green, then what country is this? 



 Look at the countries colored pink.  英語を国語とする国です。

They are the United States of America, Canada,  Belize (/ˈliːz/),  Jamaica

 (/dʒəˈmeɪkə /),  Guyana (/ɡaɪˈɑː/ or /ɡaɪˈænə/),  Australia, New Zealand,

 South America, Namibia, Zambia, Liberia (/laɪˈbɪəriə/), and Great Britain.

The countries colored yellow は、英語がよく通じる国です。

They are Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, France, Belgium,

Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy,

Gambia,  Sierra Leone (/siérəlióʊn/),  Ghana,  Nigeria,  Cameroon,

Botswana, Zimbabwe(/zɪmˈːbweɪ/),  Malawi,  Tanzania,  Uganda,  Kenya,

Sudan,  Ethiopia,  Somalia,  Pakistan,  India, and  Philippines 

Look at the people on the map. どこの国の人でしょう?

 The woman in kimono is?  Japanese.

 The woman wearing a green suit and the man wearing a brown jacket are? American .

The woman in sari and the man in white are?  Indians.

 ・The man wearing a green cap and a skirt is?  Scottish.

The man with a guitar is?  Mexican.

The woman with a red rose in her mouth is?  Spanish. 

The man in a very heavy coat is?  Innuit.

The women with a white bonnet, a white hat, is...?  Dutch.

The man wearing brown boots is?  Russian.

The woman wearing Chima jeogori is?  Korean.

The woman dancing hula represents State of Hawaii.

Word Bookの『CDゲーム編』をお持ちの方は、トラック#39「世界の人々」をご活用 ください。


Preposition (前置詞)


絵を探させながら、in, on, under, with, by の前置詞の使い方を聞かせます。

In the box.  On the chair.  Under the desk. などの塊の音の流れで語順が入っていると、


Can you see a ball?  Its in the blue box.

Can you see a snake?  Its on the sunflower.

Can you see a pencil?  Its in the pocket. 







T: Lets play ‘つられちゃダメよ Game.  Repeat after me. 

T: The ball is in the box.                       Ss:  The ball is in the box.

T: The cup is on the chair.                    Ss:  The cup is on the chair.

T:  The dog is under the bed.                  Ss:  The dog is under the DESK.

T:  The nut is in the nose.                       Ss:  The nut is ON the nose.



What is on the motorcycle?         (a monkey   
What is by the ice cream?           (an iron)
What is on the uniform?              (a ukulele)


CHow many Ps can you see?  (ポスターを近くで見ながらの活動)

アルファベットの大文字と小文字が、いろいろなところに 隠されています。

How many As can you see? (14),  B(12),  C(2),  D(2),  E(4),  F(4),  G(1),  H(5)

Z の絵まで、よく見て数えてください。

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