『えいごリアン』2001年度版と語研ブックレット3『小学校英語』対照表 U |
『えいごリアン』 2001年度版 |
語研ブックレット3『小学校英語』 |
@あいさつから始めよう! |
1-1 だぁ〜れだ? I am Tomo. Are you Miki? |
Hi, I'm Yuji. What's your name? |
3-4 どこから来たの? Where are you from? I am from India. |
Aえっ!これ何?あれ何? |
1-3 これは何でしょう? What
is this? |
What's that? It's a mantis. |
1-4 これ何?これ誰の? What is this? Whoes is this? |
2-9 これなぁ〜に?あれなぁ〜に? This is a watch. |
B人の好みはいろいろ |
1-14 好きなもの 欲しいもの What do you like/want? |
Which do you like? That one. |
Cちょっと!どこへ行くの? |
『えいごリアン』を使った授業案 |
Where are you going? To the park. |
ページ探しゲーム |
D知らない子がやって来た |
1-応用 この先生は誰でしょう? |
Who is he? I don't know. |
3-1 この人の名前は? Who is this? |
付録(p.101)英語活動で使いやすい絵本 |
Eどんどん数えてみよう! |
付録(pp.92-93)45分授業の授業案 |
How many cards do you
have? Five! |
3-5 いくつあるかな? How many … are there? |
3-6 大きい 小さい This is big. This is small. |
2-2曜日名と教科名 It's Monday. We study math on Monday. |
2-10 たくさんあるね。何なの? What are these? |
Fそれって、いつだっけ? |
2-7 誕生日はいつ? When
is your birthday? |
When is the soccer
game? Today! |
Gいい物、見せてあげようか? |
1-5 haveを使ったいろいろな表現 What do you have? |
Do you have a dog? Yes, do you want to see? |
1-6 このカード持ってる? Do you have a dog? |
1-7 誰が持っているかな? Do you have a lion? |
1-8 どの動物カードを持っているのかな? Do
you have a frog? |
Hさあ、ゲームだ!ゲームだ! |
Are you ready? Ready! |
Iクイズの達人は誰だ? |
1-3 これは何でしょう? What is this? |
Can you guess? Let me see. |
1-4 これ何?これ誰の? What
is this? Whose is this? |
2-9 これなぁ〜に?あれなぁ〜に? This is a watch. |
Jじゃあ、何時に来られるの? |
3-8 時刻の言い方に挑戦しよう What
time is it? |
What time can you come? Right now! |
K友だちからのプレゼント |
3-6 大きい 小さい This is big. This is small. |
May I open it? Yes, go ahead! |
(子どもの筆箱を開けるときなど) |
Lねえ、ぼくにもやらせて! |
2-3 できるかな? Can you do this? |
Let me try! Wait! |
Mねえ、これ知ってる? |
Do you know this? Of course! |
Nお願い!それ見せて! |
3-3 あれれ、あらら、どこ? Where is the eraser?応用発展 |
Show me your card. No! |
3-7 比べっこ Which
is longer, yours or mine? @、A |
O今日は何して遊ぶ? |
What shall we do today? Let's clean our room. |
Pぼくが道案内するよ! |
私たちの町 |
Where is the
supermarket? Over there. |
Qいちばん欲張りなのは誰? |
3-7 比べっこ Which
is longer, yours or mine? |
Which is bigger? Let's check it. |
Rあのね、これ頼める? |
Would you pass me the
sugar? Here you are. |
S気楽にいこうよ! |
Take it easy! OK! |